Blastomussa Frag 2 Polyp


Name: Blastomussa
Temperature: 24-26C
Flow: low-mid
PAR: 50-75
Water parameters: Nitrate 5-20 mg/l, Phosphate 0,05-0,15 mg/l
Feeding: Ideally to Feed
Care level: Moderated


Blastomussa are found all over the Indo-Pacific. They are found throughout the islands of the Indo-pacific including Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands, and the Great Barrier Reef. Almost all of the Blastomussa we have here at WildCorals is from either Indonesia or Australia.


Blastomussa DO NOT require very much light. In fact, I am willing to bet people tend to struggle a bit with these corals because they are providing too much light. We recommend low to medium light something in the range of 50 to 75 PAR. I’ve seen them in many different types of aquariums under many types of light and the ones in the dimmest seemed to be happiest.

Water Flow

As for flow and placement, there are a couple of things I look for. Blastomussa do not require a ton of flow, so I look to provide just enough so detritus does not settle on them. Most of the time hobbyists place Blasto towards the bottom of the tank so it is important that they get enough flow to keep them clean. On the other hand, I think feeding is important for long term health so preferably the flow can slowed during feeding time to allow the coral to grab pieces out of the water column.


Blastomussa can be fed a mix of meaty foods such as pieces of krill or mysis shrimp. They are relatively small in size so larger pieces of food are not suitable. We feed a mix of frozen shrimp here at Wild Corals. Our blend is pretty basic, mainly mysis shrimp and krill with a little bit of rotifers. You can also feed a high quality dry coral pellet food, but be careful not to overfeed dry food of any kind because it is possible to burn the coral if too much is fed at once. One particular brand I know recommends something like a single pellet per polyp so if you decide to go that route, less is more.

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Name: Blastomussa Temperature: 24-26C Flow: low-mid PAR: 50-75 Water parameters: Nitrate 5-20 mg/l, Phosphate 0,05-0,15 mg/l Feeding: Ideally to Feed... Read more

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SKU: G089

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Name: Blastomussa
Temperature: 24-26C
Flow: low-mid
PAR: 50-75
Water parameters: Nitrate 5-20 mg/l, Phosphate 0,05-0,15 mg/l
Feeding: Ideally to Feed
Care level: Moderated


Blastomussa are found all over the Indo-Pacific. They are found throughout the islands of the Indo-pacific including Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands, and the Great Barrier Reef. Almost all of the Blastomussa we have here at WildCorals is from either Indonesia or Australia.


Blastomussa DO NOT require very much light. In fact, I am willing to bet people tend to struggle a bit with these corals because they are providing too much light. We recommend low to medium light something in the range of 50 to 75 PAR. I’ve seen them in many different types of aquariums under many types of light and the ones in the dimmest seemed to be happiest.

Water Flow

As for flow and placement, there are a couple of things I look for. Blastomussa do not require a ton of flow, so I look to provide just enough so detritus does not settle on them. Most of the time hobbyists place Blasto towards the bottom of the tank so it is important that they get enough flow to keep them clean. On the other hand, I think feeding is important for long term health so preferably the flow can slowed during feeding time to allow the coral to grab pieces out of the water column.


Blastomussa can be fed a mix of meaty foods such as pieces of krill or mysis shrimp. They are relatively small in size so larger pieces of food are not suitable. We feed a mix of frozen shrimp here at Wild Corals. Our blend is pretty basic, mainly mysis shrimp and krill with a little bit of rotifers. You can also feed a high quality dry coral pellet food, but be careful not to overfeed dry food of any kind because it is possible to burn the coral if too much is fed at once. One particular brand I know recommends something like a single pellet per polyp so if you decide to go that route, less is more.

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